Our Company
Our Product
Connecting 2000 local farmers to international buyers
Our Company Philosophies
We are a dynamic and innovative rice mill, constantly striving to surpass the sustainable industry standard by offering delicacy within every grain. We forge long-lasting and trustworthy partnerships that enhance productivity and uphold our commitments as the leading rice exporter in Cambodia. Our core principles are reflected in our rice, integrity, commitment, respect, partnership, and result-oriented approach.
Our Products
Our Activities
Our Feature Project
The Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP)
At Signature Rice, we are committed to implementing sustainable rice practices in line with the Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) standards. Our goal is to support communities, empower farmers, and protect the environment. By adhering to SRP standards, rice producers can secure numerous benefits for themselves, consumers, and the environment, promoting sustainable rice production practices and fostering positive social and economic outcomes across the rice value chain.
Company Certification
Organic milling & exporting Certification
EU Organic
US Organic Standard
Best Quality Parboiled
Rice 2015
Best Quality Jasmine
Rice 2014
Best Quality Jasmine
Rice 2013
IFOAM Accredited Standard